Monday, June 24, 2013

The Geology Hikes Map

The predecessor to the Maine Geology Hikes Blog, was the Geology Hikes in Maine Map.  At this point there are 14 locations with brief geology stories for each icon.  Recently, I've linked blog entries relevant to a few places in their icons.  Feel free to peruse the map as it is now, but I'd also like to add new sites to the map as well.

Specifically, I'd like to update it with places you plan to visit.  Over the next week list places you are thinking of hiking here in the comments or on the Maine Geology Hikes Facebook page and I will write a brief description of the geology of the location to which you will be going.  Disclaimer: I probably won't be able to ground truth many locations before next weekend, so the descriptions will be based on research at a distance.  I'll respond to your suggestions in the comments and include new red icons on the Geology Hikes in Maine Map.  The locations will remain in red until I can ground truth them.

Some notes 1) Your location needs to be in Maine,  2)You'll be able to see more of the geologic history if it is a rocky location, 3) Include some detail about the location so I can find it on maps.  Consider including the town it is in, the road you will be entering from, or a link to a trail description.

View Geology Hikes in Maine in a larger map

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