The story of our bricks began about 22,000 years ago when glaciers covering much of the globe decided to call it a day and begin the slow commute home from Long Island, New York (Long Island formed as the flowing ice of the glacier delivered gigantic piles of rock to its melting endpoint). At this point, Maine and the rest of northern North America were buried in ice. Heavy, heavy ice. The normally firm raft of rock, on which our continent sits, sank like a rowboat upon boarding. As melting glaciers contributed to a growing ocean, this depressed plate would make way for the intrusion of a sea much larger than today's Atlantic.
The land above the sea couldn't wait to cast off its icy water. Massive streams poured tons of melted ice into the growing sea, but the water didn't come alone. As the rivers raced to the sea their fast current picked up every stone, pebble, sand grain or mote of clay they could carry. Massive material, like stones and pebbles may have been dropped long before reaching the sea. When the stream met the water, it rapidly decelerated. Upon slow down, enough sand was dropped to create a river delta as deep with sand as a football field is long. The sand from this river's mouth can still be spied along I95 between Gray and Lewiston and is currently being quarried in Gray. But what about the bricks?
The slow moving water, at this point, would have dropped nearly everything. Robbed of most of its energy by the trudge into the ocean, the sluggish water couldn't carry much. Luckily, clay is small and light. The water transported these small grains the farthest, finally dropping them at the sight of the future Hobbs' farm. About 13,000 years ago, with the weight of ice removed, the plate rebounded, and the sea level dropped. The acreage of the Hobbs' farm was revealed. Soil developed. Oaks grew. Eventually, the Hobbs would dig up their bricks and my son's and my weight would leave footprints in the ancient seabed.
McCully, Betsy. "Ice Age." New York Nature. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. <http://www.newyorknature.net/IceAge.html>.
Robinson, Michael A., Stewart K Sandberg, and Kirkpatrick Melissa D.,. "Using transient electromagnetic soundings to map the thickness of the Gray Delta, Maine, and correction of data using coil calibration to improve resolution. ." Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 33.1 (2000): 1. Print.
Weddle, Thomas K., Gray Quadrangle, Maine, 1:24,000, Augusta, ME: Natural Resources Information and Mapping, Maine Geological Survey, 1997.
"Surficial Geologic History of Maine." Maine Geological Survey. N.p., 6 Oct. 2005. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. <http://www.maine.gov/dacf/mgs/explore/surficial/facts/surficial.htm>.
"River Point Conservation Area." The Town of Falmouth . The Town of Falmouth , n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. <http://www.town.falmouth.me.us/pages/falmouthme_parks/trailmaps/RiverPoint>.
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